Special Limited Time Offer
Be Stronger, Live Longer
first 10 get $10 off per month
Specialized personal training catered to retirement aged men and women
Program includes 24/7 studio access, exercise and nutrition programming written by Maverick Fitness and administered through the Trainerize app.
Regular price - $89.99 per month (month-to-month)
For a limited time only - the first 10 members get this comprehensive fitness program for only
$79.99/ month - no extra fees
The App.
This app connects you with your personal trainer. Train on your own time but get the education and accountability of one-on-one personal training.
This service includes:
Specialized workout plans written by your trainer at Maverick Fitness via the Trainerize app
Nutrition planning
Unlimited 2-way messaging with an actual person who is at the gym
Group support within the Trainerize community
Tracks performance and progress (sets, reps, weights, etc)
All you have to do is show up!
Have your personal trainer whenever and wherever you go!